Project Summary

Frontend Framework: Bulma


  • Bulma is a fairly popular project on Github with over 44k stars.


  • Simple to use.
  • Easily customizable.
  • Built-in responsiveness.
  • Open source & community driven.
  • Lightweight package.


  • Still in early stages of development in comparison to older CSS frameworks.
  • Is not as popular as Bootstrap or MaterialUI.

Who uses Bulma and for what type of websites?

  • Over 130 companies including Rubrik, PlusDental and Tipoff use Bulma. Developers who would like a modern and clean user interface with a smooth and creative experience will choose to use Bulma as their CSS framework.

Backend Framework: Node.js


  • As of 2020, more than 50% of developers use Node.js as their backend framework within their repositories.


  • High performance since JavaScript code gets directly compiled into machine code. Thus provides quick and efficient execution of code.
  • Node.js can handle requests asynchronously which increases performance and saves on memory and execution costs.
  • Universal hosting for Node.js
  • Large number of free tools available for use.


  • Node.js struggles to handle CPU-intensive programs, thus creating bottleneck issues.
  • Unstable backwards compatibility due to both high and low level framework API changes.
  • Asynchronous programming model increases the chances clumsy and bad code.

Who uses Node.js and for what type of websites?

  • Numerous companies such as LinkedIn, Netflix, Uber, Paypal and etc., use Node.js apart of their projects. Node.js is desirable to these developers for being simple and easy, as well very efficient to integrate into any web application.